Tuesday, September 7, 2010

much needed changes

It's almost here!!! The first day of school starts tomorrow and I am breathing a sigh of relief. The last month has been particularly challenging. I feel like the fighting between my girls has increased dramatically and my already small-ish house seems tiny! I clean up a mess, turn around, and it's messy again. I am anxious to do a post summer deep clean of the place.

In other news, in the next few months we are doing a mini remodel of our house. The old carpets (nine years old...five kids, a dog and a cat...you can imagine how worn out they are) are getting replaced with a laminate wood floor. We are tearing out every room in the house except bedrooms. We are also going to paint the exterior of the house...I think we're the last ones on the block to get it done. We've been saving for this for some time but we don't have enough money to hire someone to do it. (and, our resident handy-man, Einar, moved far away) So, my studly husband is going to do the work with some help from friends and family. We'll see how that goes.

Project 365 for 2 weeks ago: (I'm a little behind) enjoy!


  1. I hear you! I am celebrating the start of school!!!!! lol. I love your chore chart-sooo cute!

  2. The Muppet show! Such memories. I have checked it out from the library and my kids just think I am weird for wanting to watch it! Maybe I didn't start soon enough and they are too old for it now?
