Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Three year old

With the beginning of the new year comes a string of birthdays in our family. I hate shopping for birthdays so soon after Christmas as I don't know what to get. Thankfully, Casey volunteered (or was he coerced?) to do the shopping for Lydia. We took our little three year old to Splash to swim for two hours. When we came home, she promptly fell asleep. We had to wake her up for her favorite dinner (cream cheese chicken rolls) and her party. Once she saw the presents and cake, she perked right up. Anyway, we had a great day celebrating Lydia's third year as a member of our family. My baby is THREE! (and there are no other babies below her...such a strange feeling!) We sure love Lydia...she brings us such joy!

1 comment:

  1. Aw! I can't believe she's 3!! Happy belated birthday Lydia!!
