Monday, January 4, 2010

Project 365 for 2009 ends!

Well, as the new year begins, I can officially say that I have completed one whole year of my project 365. That means I have at least one documented memory for each day of last year. I find that as I look back on my life, the major events are the only things that stand out and the day to day stuff is buried somewhere deep in my memory. That's why I started this project...I figure if I write down/take a picture of at least one thing per day, those memories don't fade away. It is so nice to look back on my year and remember each and every least one thing. If I were a better journal writer, I suppose I could go into more detail but alas, I am terrible at keeping a journal. This counts as a journal right? I think I'll continue with this project in 2010.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, it counts as a journal! I'll bet your girls will love having this. I think it was a fantastic thing to do!
