Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Taxing time

I'm officially buried in taxes! Every January I am up to my eyeballs in W2s, 1099's, and reconciling our expenses for the year. somehow, long ago, I was hired as the business's "accountant." (I shouldn't use the word hired, because I never get paid.) I hate this time of year because I know that my meeting with my real accountant is looming and I'm no where near ready. So, my house is trashed, my kids are running around doing who knows what, as I huddle in front of our computer with calculator and tax forms in hand. In happier news, Lydia is finally getting potty trained...and it's going really well! Once she's potty trained, there will officially be no need for diapers in my house! (Unless we decide to have another baby ;) Yippee!
Here's week 3 of Project 365. (Thanks mom for pointing out my date errors from last week!)

1 comment:

  1. Yuck on taxes! But yay on potty-training! I'm starting to introduce it to Reagan. I'd love to get down to one in diapers (on my non-daycare days)!
