Sunday, June 28, 2009


Remember a few weeks ago when I was lamenting about my huge list of stuff to accomplish before July 1st? Well, I'm happy to report that except for the quilt squares and doing payroll taxes, I have finished it all!! I think after Monday, I'll be ready to leave for Utah with the girls! This last Friday I was privileged to speak at our Young Women's retreat on the beach at Waldport. I spoke on the importance of letting go of the worries and stresses in our life that we really have no control over. After my talk, the Young Women put their stress and worries onto a pieces of paper and stuffed them into a jar with a glowstick. When it got dark, they all walked the half mile to the outgoing tide. (The tide was SOOOO far out). They threw their cares and worries into the sea and let the tide take them away. It was a really neat night. Charlotte got to go with me even though she's only 10. I enjoyed her company so much! We didn't get home until 1:30 a.m.
Here's the rest of this week's happenings. It's been fun and busy!


  1. I love the Young Women retreat speaking idea. If we had an ocean nearby I'd totally steal it for our girls here. :) If you guys have some down time in Utah and you're around Provo give me a call! We'd love to see you guys. (But I definitely understand that trips get busy, so no pressure!)

  2. Way to go getting all that stuff done! :-) Have fun in Utah!
