Saturday, July 23, 2011

Ward Campout

We just got back from our annual Springfield 3rd Ward campout at Schwartz park. Like very year, it was very well attended and lots of fun (despite my dislike of camping). The only problem was that in the evening, it got down to 45 degrees....we were freezing! Casey and I rarely snuggle in bed (we like our own sides of the bed) but last night, we slept close just to keep ourselves warm. I think we got maybe 2 hours of sleep all night. In the evening, we sang songs around the campfire, roasted hot dogs and marshmallows and just let the many, many children play together.

Casey was our chef for breakfast. He whipped up eggs and bacon on our little campstove.

The night before, Kelli made everyone fresh, homemade benyas in honor of her daughter Lauryn's birthday. She started making them after watching the "Princess and the Frog." They were very tasty and gone really fast.

Here is cousin Drew in mid launch. He made me photograph him over and over again jumping off of a post at the campground park. This was the best one.

The girls were so excited to go camping. We only do it once a year..and that is for the ward campout. I can handle one night of camping...if we go any longer than that, check me into a hotel please!


  1. How fun! Boy, we miss you guys!

  2. Just saw that you have us linked on your blog. I'm going to add you to my blog list. Maybe someday I will find the time to post some more.
    Good to see pictures of your family of seven! Hope all is well in Springfield.
