Friday, July 23, 2010

Jury Duty

Have you ever served on a jury? I got my summons to report to the courthouse on Friday and not so eagerly arrived early that morning to the Jury assembly, hoping that I would be released pretty quickly. (perhaps there were no trials that day?) Unfortunately, out of 150 people waiting, I was one of 12 selected to do a criminal trial. So, while everyone else got to go home, I had to go through security and be questioned by two annoying lawyers about my qualifications and biases. At the end of the day, we realized that we were going to be asked to give up another day for this trial. On Tuesday, after 3 (THREE!) hours of the defense attorney questioning his own client...basically asking him the most mundane and ridiculous questions, (he didn't have much to work with...I kind of felt bad for him) we were asked by the judge to come back again on Wednesday. I was annoyed and a little stressed about childcare. Mega thanks to my sister in law, friends, husband and mother in law who helped keep my kids safe and happy while I was in court all day. By Wednesday, we actually got to decide the case which took all of 45 minutes. Once we rendered our verdict, we couldn't get out of there fast enough. In the end, it was a good experience. Most of all, I have a new appreciation for working moms who, after putting in 8 hours of work, have to come home and have enough energy to play with children, make dinner and clean the house. I am so grateful that my husband works as hard as he does to allow me to stay home with my kids. I know there are many moms that don't get that luxury, for various reasons. To those of you that work and are moms...I have new respect for you all!

Scrapbooking has slowed a bit, but here's another Millar reunion page.

Finally, here's last week (pre-jury duty) for my project 365. Enjoy!


  1. I got my first jury summons last month. I was lucky though because nursing moms aren't required to go. Phew! Glad it went well for you. I'll bet you're happy it's over! Love the scrapbook pages, as always! :o)

  2. I have always thought I would just say I believe in the death penalty for everything. Do you think that would get me off?

  3. I haven't gone yet. The two times I've received a summons have been when I've either been nearly 9 months pregnant or had a brand new baby, so I wasn't required to go. Thank you for being willing to go. I know that everyone dreads serving, but I can't imagine our justice system without juries (as imperfect as the system is).

    Great layouts, btw... as always!!
