Monday, April 12, 2010


What an eventful week! On Tuesday night, Lydia comes running into my room, face covered in blood, saying that Allison hit her with a candlestick. I quickly wipe up the blood (head wounds sure do bleed) and assessed the damage. After consulting our wonderful neighbor (who is a nurse...Delacey) we decided to take her to urgent care to get it checked out. Casey took her over to Riverbend while I fed and put kids to bed. Leaving Charlotte in charge, I joined Casey at the hospital just in time to see them put two stitches in her forhead. She was so brave...didn't cry a bit. Her Doctor's name was "Doctor Bob" and so the rest of the week, she told everyone that "My Doctor Bob gave me stitches in my head." Did Allison really hit her with a candlestick? We're not sure. She insists (INSISTS!) that the candlestick fell on Lydia's head. Since I was not a witness to the alleged crime, we didn't punish.

Lydia had a Mcdonald's happy meal at 10:00 at night...she missed dinner waiting in Urgent care for so long! You can just barely see the stitches in her hairline.

yesterday, (Sunday) our wonderful neighbor and nurse, Delacey Barney came over and took out Lydia's stitches. She gave Lydia a magic wand for being brave. We love Delacey!
Finally, though I haven't done much scrapbooking lately, I finished Charlottes' 7 year old page. I can't believe she's already almost 12. I look at this picture and it seems like it was just yesterday.


  1. Wow, what a brave girl! (And mommy! hehe) Good job, Lydia!

  2. Hello. I'm a old Friend of Delacey Barney. I saw she helped stitch up your daughter a couple of years ago. We knew each other in Provo, UT right after college. I still have the plant she gave me all these years later. I'd love to say hello. If you can have her drop me a line at I would appreciate it. Thanks so much.

    Rod Morley
