Saturday, April 3, 2010

Learning new skills

This has been a week of learning new skills. Today I was privileged to go over to my friend Pamela's house and she taught me how to make frosting flowers...a skill I have ALWAYS wanted to know how to do. She also taught me the basket weave and how to make grass. The girls were thrilled when I walked in with this cake in my hands. Now, I need to practice, practice, practice.
Thanks Pamela...You're amazing!

Secondly, this week, I taught Jillian how to sew. She had to do a project for school that somehow related to pioneer/Oregon trail life. We decided to make a small quilt. She sewed all the pieces together, ironed the seams and then tied the whole thing. I was very proud of her. She felt so good about herself as she showed it off to her class. She is normally a very shy student and so this project gave her a chance to shine.

Let's hear it for learning new skills!!!


  1. Yeah Jillian! That quilt is beautiful, and I'm really impressed that she went to all of that work and time to make it! What an awesome girl.

    And your cake is so beautiful! You Westover ladies have a gift for art. =) I agree, learning new skills is the best. It's fun and always boosts my spirits to learn something new.

  2. Wow! Andrea before we know it, you'll be on the Food Network's "Challenge"! LOL Seriously, though, your skills with cake decorating are amazing!

    And congrats to Jillian. What a neat quilt!!
