Thursday, July 23, 2009

Okay, here's week 3 of our vacation... I'm struggling with being off vacation. The kids are extra cranky and whiney. For the last 3 weeks, they have had so many activities to keep them busy every single day. Now that we're home, I'm hearing a lot more "Mom, I'm bored." I lost it sanity that is. Four of the five were whining at me at the same time. A mom can only take so much. I had to put myself in time out. Does school start soon?


  1. I know all about Mommy timeouts! Love the pages! Sorry that Casey had to come home early... was that because stubborn little Calleigh didn't come and Einar couldn't do the show up North? Stinky baby! :-)

  2. Andrea, I love getting a peek at your family through your pages! We can't wait to see all of you!
