Monday, January 31, 2011

nervous energy

I'm trying to burn off some nervous energy today so I actually completed last week's scrapbook pages on time! Why am I so nervous? Lydia has her much dreaded appointment with the "brain doctor" (neurologist) tomorrow. I keep telling myself that there's probably nothing wrong with her and that her headaches are just a fluke thing. Sadly, that negative little voice inside me is constantly displacing my positive thoughts with thoughts of "what if they find something?" Anyway, my stomache is in knots but we will push on! Hopefully by tomorrow, all of this stress will be gone. In the meantime, any prayers you might want to send our way would be awesome! Crossing our fingers for a healthy Lydia. :)


  1. Sweet little Lydia is definitely in our prayers. Sending a hug to you!

    And I remember visiting Grandma Bea as a little girl. I love her. She was always so sweet to me, and let me bring my friends over to visit and gave us little hard candies wrapped like strawberries.

  2. Good luck today, we'll be praying for you and Lydia! Let us know how it goes...

  3. You're in our thoughts and prayers. We love you guys!!!
